You will greatly appreciate the tranquility and release with these essential oils!
“I have found that by using essential oils for the release of negative emotions, people often experience the feeling of being set free, allowing themselves to go forward, to progress and to enjoy life as it is meant to be. The oil blends in the Feelings kit have been specifically formulated for dealing with these areas of emotional needs.”
D. Gary Young, 1995, Sante Fe, NM

Who Can Benefit?
Aroma Release Technique is well-suited for anyone who is experiencing any type of challenge:
As D. Gary Young points out in his teachings and books: "Over the years, I have counselled with thousands of people who have compromised health issues; and without exception, I can take 100 percent of those people right back to an emotional crisis or a traumatic time in their lives."
- D. Gary Young 1995, Santa Fe NM
Do you need:
Time out from everyday challenges
Time to recuperate from on-going stress and tension
Rest and relaxation to regain empowerment and clarity
Inner guidance from your Higher Self
Time for self-love and release of the old hurts
Release from the chaotic and overwhelming world
Then anyone can benefit from their journey with essential oils for emotional support.


Our Story
After returning from Egypt, Gary created a range of essential oil blends to overcome emotions and to create daily support as these same blends can be used everyday at home. He noticed how quickly people can release and transform their emotional baggage, once he discovered what the Ancient Egyptians knew thousands of years ago.
Gary combined these blends to enhance good feelings and good memories into a simple anointing technique which he called “emotional clearing technique”. Gary knew how crucial it was to help his patients release emotional baggage so that they could let go of the things that were locked up inside of themselves in order to set themselves free.
Founder-Director Dr. Sabina DeVita, initially learned this technique from Gary in early 2000, with repeat classes with him over the years till his passing. Dr. D. has incorporated this Aroma Release modality (which she coined for simplicity) as she has with the Ancient Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique into her courses and I.E.W.S. programs. Since 2000, Gary has created several Feelings/Emotional kits which are used today in "Integrated Aromatique" courses such as;
Reconnect Kit,
Freedom Release and Freedom Sleep Collection
and the Divine Destiny Collection. (more details to follow).
Aroma Release is a shorter version to target emotions in a 60 minute session (using 6 to 12 oils) compared to the AEECT session that uses 14 oils and can take a few hours.
Emotional health is a precious gift to a joyous, healthy and prosperous life. Now anyone can take this essential oils course and benefit immensely.
The Feelings collection of oils is one of the most common places to begin your journey. These oils offer many Features and Benefits that can be repeated for home use, during times of heightened challenges and stress, for family members, friends or for your clientele. The Feelings Collection of oils offers a relaxing, releasing and freeing experience for any clinic/spa.
These six major aromas inspire feelings of well-being, confidence and self-esteem. The course will detail how the other emotional collection of essential oils are used for a most pleasing, calming and soothing Aroma Release!
Learn the Basics along with advanced techniques:
Valor essential oil blend’s aroma is renowned for inspiring an individual to let go of barriers that keep one stuck.
Harmony essential oil blend’s aroma helps increase feelings of well-being, confidence and self-esteem.
Forgiveness essential oil blend’s aroma facilitates feelings of grace and strength while inspiring a sense of compassion with discretion.
Present Time essential oil blend’s aroma encourages one to heal and accept the past and live today in its fullness.
Release essential oil blend’s balanced aroma provides a lulling sense of comfort when one's day is overwhelming.
Inner Child essential oil blend’s aroma inspires feelings of confidence and self-esteem—great for use during self-expression and self-discovery.
Learn how to truly steer your life as it can be absolutely altered by your emotions, your responses to emotions, and whether you're 'reactive' to outside emotions.
As Gary taught back in 1985 in Santa Fe, how, "The emotions of the mind are the most elusive parts of the human body. So many people are disabled emotionally and are continually looking for ways of clearing these negative emotions. Emotions rule the world!"
Learn and experience how powerful it is to know another natural, non-chemical way to feel free, and emotionally unburdened.